Avoir un site est une bonne chose, être visible en est une autre.

Bien souvent, les articles qui en parlent vont mettre en avant une extension ou un outil : Yoast, All In One SEO, The SEO Framework, etc.. Et pourtant, il existe de nombreuses actions et méthodes qui peuvent booster la visibilité d’un site WordPress, sans aucune extension.

Du bon sens, quelques outils, une bonne méthodologie et un peu de code PHP vont vous permettre d’améliorer la visibilité de WordPress : c’est tout le sujet de cette conférence !



Publié par Daniel Roch

I have been passionate about WordPress and SEO since 2008. I am the creator of SEOKEY, the easiest and most effective SEO plugin to improve your visibility. I am also the author of the french book "Optimizing your WordPress SEO" (preface by Olivier Andrieu - 4th edition published in 2020). I am a the CEO of SeoMix SEO agency where I am a WordPress developer and SEO consultant (https://www.seomix.fr/author/daniel-roch). I develop WordPress plugins, and publish posts about SEO and Wordpress on a regular basis. I have also been a speaker at many events, including several WordCamps in France, as well as at other events (QueDuWeb, SMX Paris, SeoCamp'us, etc.). I was also co-creator of WP Tech, the 1st French 100% technical event dedicated to WordPress My personal blog is here: https://daniel-roch.fr/

WordCamp Paris 2019 is over. Check out the next edition!